WOW is Wow: Women of Word Celebrates its Sixth Year with Choices, and a Few "Man-Made" Words
The sixth Women of Word promises to be a powerful and dramatic event.
Thursday, March 17
It's once again time to twist your mind around a new kind of poetry staging. In its sixth year and part of Edinboro University's Women's History Month activities, Women of Word will bring its distinctive brand of presentation to the Diebold Center on March 17, with Choices. Rather than reading one poem at a time, Women pairs thematically similar poems, weaving them into poetic conversations that create dramatic relationships between thoughts, setting up the listener for unexpected jolts and perhaps uncomfortable revelations.
Women never shies away from strong subjects and controversy. In fact, it runs to them. This year's themes are no exception. Look for scenes on change, terrorism, guns, abortion, gender, and religion: topics sizzling (or smoldering?) in communities everywhere. According to director, producer, and participating poet, Thasia Anne, "Women uses poetry to tackle and bring awareness to some of the world's most unpleasant subjects."
Veteran poets Heidi Blakeslee, Darryl M. Brown, Amy Doty-Prior, Joan Papalia-Eisert, Cookee, Luchetta Manus, Marisa Moks-Unger, Alexis Rene, and Marge Wonner return to present their work and welcome newcomers Sharreif Kareem Lentz, Safia Kassir, and Shaun Taylor, who is an assistant professor in the Music and Theatre Department.
Complementing (if not heightening) the power of the poetry will be music by Paul Eisert and Jack Wonner, and interpretive dance by Sara Foster.
The sixth Women of Word promises to be a powerful and dramatic event. These performers will deliver. – Mary Birdsong
6 p.m. // 219 Meadville St., Edinboro //Free admission // Meet and greet after the performance