To the moon -- from Erie!
If you like "free events" soliciting donations to build spacecrafts, then this is for you.
It sounds like it could be a plot of a movie. Actually, it is has been.
But if you liked Cory Vaillancourt's idea to drain Lake Erie and build a spaceport to make Erie "The Capital of the Milky Way Galaxy," as well as our MUFON 2013 and MUFON 2014 coverage, then you'll dig this new idea.
On the WICU/WSEE events calendar page, you'll find a post titled "Outter Space." The event begins Monday, June 30 and runs until Sunday, July 13.
What it involves?
The post reads simply: "I have a sure fired way of getting to space and need donations to build my cheapflyin saucer."
I don't know about you, but I like space exploration -- especially when it's affordable. And I don't know about you, but I'm oft not concerned about a rocket scientist's ability to spell. I mean, they're busy busying themselves with rocket science and stuff, which from my man crush on Stephen Hawking, I understand is relatively challenging.
But if you're like me, you're a bit skeptical that this post is anonymous. But maybe that's the test -- to see who's bold enough call the 814 number listed. Who knows, if you do call, perhaps you'll end up "up dare" -- that is, if you dare.
Ben Speggen is curious. He's also skeptical that saucers can be 'cheapflyin' but he's thinking about calling the number. But he's glad Rebecca Styn shared this with him. If you get around to calling it before him, shoot him an email at and follow him on Twitter @ERBenSpeggen.