The Wholly Grail of Healthy Living
40 local businesses and wellness practitioners have teamed up to put together the Wholly Happy Festival
Saturday, Sept. 16
There are lots of different ways to be healthy. Featuring everything from herbalists to creative movers, the Wholly Happy Festival is one of the best ways to explore the myriad ways to improve your life. Designed to showcase all the unique options for healthful living in the Erie area, 40 local businesses and wellness practitioners have teamed up to put together this festival. In its first year, virtually every facet of wellness from mind to body is covered. There will be yogis, dancers, massage therapists, and acupuncturists for the body, and mediums, coaches, and counselors for the mind. Healthy eating will be a focus as well, with gardeners, health food providers, and food vendors on site. Admission is free to the public for you to explore all the different tools for healthful living that are available in our region. Reiki techniques will be demonstrated, along with singing bowls and homeopathy. If you're looking to make a change in your life or even just be a little healthier, this festival is for you. There will be demonstrations of products, as well as talks and free giveaways. — Austin Mitchell
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. // Erie Day School, 1372 West 6th St. // free //