Shots of Scots (and other people in kilts)
A gallery 'o Smith's pics from the Edinboro Highland Games and Scottish Festival
"Some people'll take pictures of anything," one food-and-stuff vendor -- a sorta surly-looking (and way Scottish-sounding) old guy -- scoffed as I snapped away at his wares.
It's true -- I will.
"Man, Dad -- you almost got hit by that caber!" my boy said, laughing away, before he mimics the way I ran away from the thing -- a massive, raw-wood pole being tossed by one real big dude.
That's true -- I did.
But a little scoffery, and some near-injury, are just part of the fun of photographing a thing like the recent Highland Games and Scottish Festival in sunny (nay, 'twas rainy -- really rainy) Edinboro. And, as far as things go, there's really nothing quite like the festival -- a mass annual gathering to celebrate all things Scots -- around this neck of the woods, or, for that matter, on this side of the pond.
So, here, folks, if you care to take a gander, is some of what I finished up that day (mostly injury free, dignity still relatively intact) with photo-wise:
Reader writer/photographer Ryan Smith is reckless when it comes to goin' after a good shot, and you can say what you will when he's at it. You can reach Smith to throw some ideas -- or heavy cabers, or light ridicule -- his way at