Poets and Painters at PACA
Two poets, two painters, one show
Two poets, two painters, one show at PACA. The State Street venue will host Poets and Painters, a dual book release that will also feature a surrealistic art show and live music.
Authors Marisa Moks-Unger and Tracie Morell will release their respective books Mud and Stars and Matilda's Battle Waltz at the Friday, June 12 event. Surrealistic artists Ken Johnson and Kris Risto, both of whom are featured in Morell's book, will have their works on display. In addition to Moks-Unger and Morell's words, poets from Erie and Cleveland will be on hand for the evening while local musician Roger Montgomery will play between readings.
5:30 p.m. // 1505 State St. // paca1505.com