Erie's 40 Under 40: Class of 2020

by Erie Reader Staff August 26, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Photos by Jessica Hunter

Like Sisyphus of Greek myth, Erie has been fighting an uphill battle for what's seemed an eternity. Straining against decades of inertia and pessimism, it's been a constant push to get over the hill. If only we could build up enough momentum amongst ourselves to clear its crest, we might send our old burdens hurtling down the other side, free to visualize the infinite horizons in front of us.

Many who figure to be part of the "over-the-hill" gang when that happens are actually not yet "over the hill" — at least not in the traditional sense of the phrase. Age is but a number, and 40 is an arbitrary milestone — persons on either side of it can and do affect meaningful change. However, it is our young adults that have the greatest role yet to play in transforming Erie into the diverse, prosperous, and inclusive destination we know it can be.

There's no way we flip Erie's script without harnessing the talents and ambitions of youth, and that is why we annually celebrate Erie's 40 Under 40. During an unprecedented year marked by dread and uncertainty, our eighth class represents another welcome dose of hope, strength, and resilience to emerge better than ever.

We can't wait.

Written by: Jonathan Burdick (JB), Chloe Forbes (CF), Ben Speggen (BS), Rebecca Styn (RS), Cara Suppa (CS), Matt Swanseger (MS), Nick Warren (NW), and Jim Wertz (JW).

Photographs by Jessica Hunter.

Interested in nominating someone for next year's list? Online nominations are open now.

Armando Reyes
Armando Reyes, 38
Owner, Lake Erie Woodworks & Lake Erie Drumworks

Armando Reyes is an artist, a musician, a literal Boy Scout (who now leads a Cub Scout pack in Erie), and an entrepreneur who hopes his skills can help others discover creative and economic empowerment through education, sharing ideas and resources, and art.

A Chicago native, Reyes moved to Erie to take a job as a luxury automobile technician, but his passion for woodwork and the community led him to start his own business and to use that platform to help serve others. Through his Lake Erie Woodworks venture, Reyes began hosting what he calls the "Table Saw Supper Club," which connects woodworkers from all over Erie and of all skill levels to share ideas and resources. He's hoping that platform leads to the establishment of a woodworking school to benefit those who would like to take on DIY projects around the house, as well as those looking for career opportunities.

"I'm hoping the school can take it even further and provide classes and workshops to really elevate the craft and artistry here in Erie," Reyes says. "I think Erie needs to focus on generational change. If we focus on long term solutions like education, housing, and sustainable well-paying jobs, we will begin to create the foundation for REAL change in our city. That is what I want to focus on, teaching people in Erie real skills that they can use to rebuild our city." — JW

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