Celebrating Sarah Reed Week
The retirement center is celebrating its founder with a week of themed activities
Sarah Reed Senior Living is having a week full of fun activities for seniors to celebrate founder Sarah Reed's birthday, starting on March 16. During her life, Reed was instrumental in providing essential community services and contributing to social work.
The organization was founded by 30 women, including Reed, in 1871. It was known as "The Home for the Friendless" and provided services to disadvantaged people of all ages. The organization developed over its nearly 155 years, eventually diverging into two nonprofit organizations, one for children and one for seniors. According to a Hagen History Center blog post, after Reed passed away at the age of 96, "the organization was renamed in her honor — something the humble Reed never allowed during her lifetime."
From March 16 through March 21, Sarah Reed Senior Living will be organizing events and activities for seniors and themed events to honor Sarah Reed that are open to residents, families, and the community. On the 16th, the organization will throw a birthday social, not only celebrating the founder but also three centenarian residents. On the 17th, there will be a presentation from local historian Melinda Meyer on Reed's life and the history of the organization.
On the 18th, there will be a musical tribute to Reed, featuring music from the mid to late 1800s and early 1900s. According to Personal Care Home Administrator Carey Mastrian, they will also be celebrating St. Patrick's Day with Irish music.
The 19th will kick off the retirement center's first "senior" prom. " We will have promposals from our current residents and then the week will culminate with our senior prom on the 21st at 6 p.m." Mastrian said. "We'll have music, residents will be attending, and families and friends have been invited as well."
Sunday at 3 p.m., Monday at 2 p.m., and Friday at 6 p.m. // Sarah Reed Senior Living, 227 W. 22nd St. // For more info: sarahreed.org